Search Podiatrist

The Podiatrist Search information is Primary Source Verification for purposes of verifying North Carolina licensed podiatrists and is updated automatically. [Please SCROLL down below the Search boxes to see A) your results and B) important information about license expiration dates and delinquent renewals.]

Only ACTIVE Licensees are listed. (If the podiatrist you are trying to verify is not listed on our site please email the Board at for further information.)

To find out about filing a complaint, see our "Procedure for Filing a Complaint "Procedure for Filing a Complaint " page.

A license with a "-C" suffix denotes  a license issued dependent on Board-established conditions related to a CME hardship waiver for the licensee's certified illness, medical condition, natural disaster, or other undue hardship.

A license with a "TR-" prefix denotes a Temporary Restricted License, a "T-" prefix denotes a Temporary Unrestricted License, a "TF-" prefix denotes a Temporary Foreign restricted license.

***In the search field below, please only enter information in ONE field or your results can be skewed.***

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